We’re Working Towards at Healthier Planet

We love Earth Day at the Food Bank and we’re excited to share more about what we’re doing to be kinder to our planet!

Reducing Food Waste – our Food Bank helps save perfectly good food from all over the area from going to waste through our grocery rescue programs (thanks to Peddling Relief Project for using bike power to help rescue 1000 lbs of food every week!). Grocery stores often can’t sell imperfect looking foods and we’ll gladly take those wonderful fresh fruits and veggies. We also save food like stale bread for local pig farmers. 

Electric Delivery Vans – we converted one of our gas delivery vans to 100% electric and are working on converting the second one in 2023. Big thank you to EV Works on Bainbridge Island for converting the van from gas to electric!

Rooftop Garden – growing our own fruits and veggies on the Food Bank’s rooftop provides a nearly zero-footprint supply of fresh food for our shoppers during spring, summer and fall.

Honey Bees – the honey bees we keep will allow us to harvest 50 lbs of honey this year that we can give to shoppers. They also pollinate our garden and help it thrive. How sweet!

Biodigester Composter – we’re thrilled to launch our biodigester composter this year. It will allow us to compost our own scraps on site, will generate enough energy to run our electric delivery vans off of, and will save us money by no longer paying to compost with the city.